Professional development study groups
ABC focus groups - 4 groups (West and East location for Smart and Promethean board)
-Banner question
-Meet September 4th?
May 2nd - PAC Blue Shoe Project is coming for fifth grade
Payment needed for bus transportation only!! Otherwise it is free!! (Email Lisa if school is interested)
May 19th or 24th- Austin Symphony- $3/person
Austin Lyric Opera
Austin Jazz Workshop
Art and Music Collaboration Presentation:
-Yo, Leonardo Musical, Mark Burrows, Heritage Music Press
-"Specials Showcase" held each April on a PTA meeting night. (P.E., Art, Music)
-Go Galileo Muiscal
-Fourth grade performed musical and studied artwork to go along with it.
-Fifth grade did a contemporary "Mona Lisa" with headphones and music or sports stuff
-Refer to hand out for specific artist use and projects in conjunction with songs.
Pollyanna Theatre Company:
Multi-Arts program information and sign-up sheet
-Symphony of Clouds Excerpts- A dance drama introducing kids to Mozart's childhood and his developing musical gifts.
($7 per person or free for title 1 campuses)
-Cross curriculum themes for teachrs of 3-5.
-Show times: Jan. 24th-Feb, 2011-on school campuses TBD by school
Feb. 8-10th - Ballet Austin Shows-10am and 12pm
The organization ideas are so amazing! So many simple ideas (collection envelopes) that can make our lives so much easier. I can't wait the get the Party Favor CD with all the info!